Tuesday 3 May 2016

Member Spotlight - Meet Myrna!

SBS Member Spotlight – Myrna
Tell us about yourself - 
I'm a retired nurse, wife, mother grandma and great grandma. 
How were you introduced to Stone Brook Strength?
My daughter told me about Robin and encouraged me to try it.

What is your favorite Workout/Lift?
I always like the clean and jerk and back squat.

What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at SBS?
It varies but skipping is a fast way to get winded

What is your “goat”?
To do double unders and a chin-up some day, maybe.

One word to describe me would be...
I like to get things done fast and I never read directions.

I have always wanted...
To be better at running and maybe run a 10k some day.

Outside of the gym, I like to...
Spend time with my family.

Three things you would always find in my fridge...
Romaine lettuce, Greek yogurt, lots of dressings.
Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me...
Sometimes, (very seldom, though, mind you) in the dark of the night, I sneak into the freezer and  devour the better part of a pail of vanilla ice cream.

Favorite physical activity outside of SBS...
Going for walks on our wooded trails.

Favorite place to eat...
Any place Mexican.

What is your day job?
I am a retired nurse.

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout...
To be honest I haven't really paid a lot of attention to the music. We tend to get rather chatty during the workouts.

The last thing I ate was... 
Barbecue chicken
Greek yogurt with rhubarb sauce. 
My proudest accomplishment is…
Seeing my children becoming contributing members of society.

My six month goal is...
To make reasonable gains in my fitness as I'm able.
If I could have ANYBODY (living or dead) over for dinner, it would be...
My grandma.  We were close. 
My favorite workout attire is...
Anything stretchy.
My favorite workout partner(s)...
My regular workout buddies at crossfit.

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