Monday 11 April 2016

Member Spotlight - Renée

SBS Member Spotlight – Renée

Tell us about yourself - I’m a registered nurse and work at Bethesda Hospital here in Steinbach. Being strong is essential for my job since we are always lifting and transferring clients! Love being strong and training with Robin and Aaron, they’re the best! I also have an adorable dog named Baux!

How were you introduced to Stone Brook Strength?

Through Robin when I needed a custom schedule for my training.

What is your favorite Workout/Lift?


What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at SBS?

All of Robin's core workouts/movements like weighted sit-ups! 

What is your “goat”?

Thrusters and rowing I struggle with both of those

One word to describe me would be...


I have always wanted...

To be able to do pull ups, getting there, can do a couple of strict pull ups but will keep working on them so I can do more! 

Outside of the gym, I like to...

Read, crochet and be outside 

Three things you would always find in my fridge...

Whipping cream, eggs and bacon 


Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me...

I'm an avid hunter 

Favorite physical activity outside of SBS...

Cross Country skiing 

Favorite place to eat...

Pineridge Hollow, they have amazing wild mushroom pirogies there! 

What is your day job?

I'm a nurse in the emergency room at Bethesda Hospital 

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout...

Aaron's playlist usually does the job

The last thing I ate was...

Bacon, eggs, hash browns and coffee with coconut cream in it. 

My proudest accomplishment is…

Competing in my first Olympic lifting competition!

My six month goal is...

To get a handstand push up 

If I could have ANYBODY (living or dead) over for dinner, it would be...

Jennifer Aniston she just seems like the sweetest and most down to earth person ever! And I love her movies of course 


My favorite workout attire is...

Leggings I hate working out in shorts 

My favorite workout partner(s)...
Kristie, Robin, Aaron and the "dads" 

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