Tuesday 19 April 2016

Member Spotlight - Kristie

Member Spotlight – Kristie

Tell us about yourself 
I'm a wife to an Australian, mother of 2 and I went back to school at 32 to become a chef. 

How were you introduced to Stone Brook Strength?
Robin, I was looking for a olympic weightlifting coach. 

What is your favorite Workout/Lift? 
Barbell complexes/squat

What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at SBS?
Nutrition is my favorite thing I learnt from Robin and Aaron. 

What is your “goat”? 

One word to describe me would be... 

I have always wanted... 
To own my own cafe/restaurant 

Outside of the gym, I like to... Cook, read and spend time with my family

Three things you would always find in my fridge... Egg, Butter, and fruit/veg

Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me...
I did my schooling/training to be a chef in Australia!

Favorite physical activity outside of SBS...
Bike rides with the family

Favorite place to eat...
Lecoka - Love the fresh food there! 

What is your day job?
Cook at Rhyme or reason cafe

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout...
Heavy Rock - or whatever Aaron picks

The last thing I ate was...
Breakfast skillet

My proudest accomplishment is...
I made a goal and stuck to it. ( competing at a weightlifting)

My six month goal is...
Squat 300lbs

If I could have ANYBODY (living or dead) over for dinner, it would be...
My Mom. I miss her so much.

My favorite workout attire is... 
Tank and tights

My favorite workout partner(s)...
Renee, Robin, Aaron, Kelsey and anyone who likes mimosa ;)

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