Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Member Spotlight - Meet Lisa!

SBS Member Spotlight – Lisa K
Tell us about yourself - I am happily married to my husband of almost 15 years, Doug. We have 2 wonderful kids, Austin (13) and Tyra (11). I have been an administrative assistant for the past 8 years, and it's a job I really enjoy. As a family we love camping, playing and watching sports, and being involved in our church. I have been working out at SBS for 2 years, and have made some huge changes in my health and fitness during that time!

How were you introduced to Stone Brook Strength?...through my sister-in-law

What is your favorite Workout/Lift?...bench press

What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at SBS?...snatch or Turkish get-ups

What is your “goat”?...BURPEES!

One word to describe me would be...

I have always wanted...to go to Hawaii 

Outside of the gym, I like to...watch my kids do their activities 

Three things you would always find in my fridge...eggs, apples, Greek yogurt 

Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me... I was 2 months premature at birth, and only weighed 2 pounds

Favorite physical activity outside of SBS...swimming or biking 

Favorite place to eat...MJ's

What is your day job?...church secretary 

Song that gets me pumped up for a workout...not really sure, Toby Mac maybe 

The last thing I ate was...egg, veggie, ham wrap

My proudest accomplishment is…having my 2 awesome kiddos

My six month goal is...to get my knee back to normal and be able to do squats again

If I could have ANYBODY (living or dead) over for dinner, it would be...Jesus 

My favorite workout attire is...capri tights and tank top

My favorite workout partner(s)...my mom! (Austin when he can make it)

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